Saturday, October 4, 2008

Introduction to Global Warming

Global warming is an average increase in the earth's temperature which causes climate change. Increasing in the global warming means changing in rainfall, a rise in sea level and impact on plants, wildlife and humans. Global warming is increase only from the result of human activities.

The greenhouse effect is a natural process that keeps the Earth warmed it caused by some gases that trap heat energy from the son. All this gases which are water vapor, carbon dioxide, and methane, which are called layer and greenhouse gases. As heat energy reaches the Earth, some of it is absorbed, and some of it is reflected in to space. The greenhouse is very important for the humans because it keeps the temperature on Earth could drop by 33°. If greenhouse effect, it could make the Earth hotter. This extra warming may cause Climate change which would be a great problem to humans, animals and plants. The human's activities are the main reason for increase in global warming temperatures from industries, vehicles, forms and dumps are all sources of greenhouse. All this activities are producing a lot of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxides.

The effects of global warming are, first increase on the heat it might be caused change in temperature and high humidity. Second is climate change and it will cause changes in rainfall, a rise in sea level and upset for plants and animals? In this cause the Kyoto Protocol assigns mandatory limitations on greenhouse gas emissions to control its concentration level in the atmosphere. The protocol was ratified by 169 countries except USA which it is the largest source of global warming pollution.